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Taking Care of the Family


Ben’s obsession with keeping his promise and Clarina’s search for her birth parents lead them both to the same family, a family bullied by their father, a disgraced sergeant in the Boston Police Department, who taught his two sons all he knew.

Ben’s further enquiries lead him to question whether his death bed promise was one to care for a bereaved family or one to avenge Bill for their corruption and whether Bill’s attractive widow has questions to answer.

Whilst in America, Ben calls into an old friend, Bill only to discover he is on his deathbed. Bill’s final words were a confession of a murder he committed twenty years earlier and to ask Ben to promise that he would find his victims family and take care of them.

Nine months earlier, Clarina is diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease, a genetic neurological illness which eventually leads to muscle failure of all the organs. But neither of Clarina’s parents are ill.

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